Native Advertising Trends 2018 - The Magazine Industry - 1 Apr 2019
Welcome to the 2018 edition of our annual report on the native advertising trends in the magazine industry.
Of your overall advertising revenues, what percentage do you expect will be from native advertising in 2021?
How do you price native advertising vs. traditional advertising?
Do you have dedicated sales teams for native advertising?
How do you sell your native advertising solutions?
How do you provide native advertising solutions?
What products and services related to native advertising do you provide your customers with?
The percentage of the overall advertising revenue coming from native advertising compared - 2016, 2017 and 2021
Of your native advertising revenues, what percentage do you expect will be from print in 2021?
Of your native advertising revenues, what percentage do you expect will be from print in 2018?
Of your overall advertising revenues, what percentage do you expect will be from native advertising in 2018?
Of your native advertising revenues, what percentage came from print in 2017?
Of your overall advertising revenues, what percentage came from native advertising in 2017?
How likely are you to use native advertising as an advertising or service option?
What are your feelings toward native advertising?
How important is native advertising to your company?
Which stage of the buyer’s journey are you creating native advertising for?
What do you consider to be the most e ective type of native advertising?
How do you measure the e ect of native advertising?
Do you think that native advertising adds value to your readers and viewers?
What are the biggest native advertising opportunities for your company?
What are your greatest strengths, when it comes to native advertising?
What is your biggest challenge regarding native advertising?
What do you consider the biggest threat to native advertising?
Have you received any customer complaints from working with native advertising?
How do you label native advertising?
How important is native advertising to your company?
What are your feelings toward native advertising?
How likely are you to use native advertising as an advertising or service option?
Of your overall advertising revenues, what percentage came from native advertising in 2017?
Of your native advertising revenues, what percentage came from print in 2017?
Of your overall advertising revenues, what percentage do you expect will be from native advertising in 2018?
Of your native advertising revenues, what percentage do you expect will be from print in 2018?
Of your overall advertising revenues, what percentage do you expect will be from native advertising in 2021?
Of your native advertising revenues, what percentage do you expect will be from print in 2021?
The percentage of the overall advertising revenue coming from native advertising compared - 2016, 2017 and 2021
What products and services related to native advertising do you provide your customers with?
How do you provide native advertising solutions?
How do you sell your native advertising solutions?
Do you have dedicated sales teams for native advertising?
How do you price native advertising vs. traditional advertising?
Which stage of the buyer’s journey are you creating native advertising for?
What do you consider to be the most e ective type of native advertising?
How do you measure the e ect of native advertising?
Do you think that native advertising adds value to your readers and viewers?
What are the biggest native advertising opportunities for your company?
What are your greatest strengths, when it comes to native advertising?
What is your biggest challenge regarding native advertising?
What do you consider the biggest threat to native advertising?
Have you received any customer complaints from working with native advertising?
How do you label native advertising?
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About Native Advertising Institute
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